Board of Directors - 2023-2024

Elizabeth Boroditsky - President

Gillian Muise - Vice President

Teresa Woyna - Secretary

Madison Johnston - Treasurer

Doug Fawcett - Director

Sharyne Hamm - Director

Helen Lee - Director

Amit Kapoor - Director

Lana Maidment - Director

Thom Proch - Director

Rosalind Toews - Director

Michael Warren - Director

Dr. Elisabete Doyle - Director

Teresa Mrozek - Director

Ronald McDonald House Charities Manitoba Statement on Board Diversity & Inclusion

Pediatric Oncology Family Centre of Manitoba Inc., operating as Ronald McDonald House Charities Manitoba (“RMHC Manitoba”) values the benefits that diversity can bring to its board of directors (the “Board”). Diversity promotes the inclusion of different perspectives and ideas, mitigates against group think and improves oversight, decision-making and governance. Diversity on the Board also demonstrates the commitment of the organization to diversity at all levels within RMHC Manitoba.

RMHC Manitoba is also committed to fostering an inclusive culture based on merit and free of conscious or unconscious bias.

At all times, RMHC Manitoba seeks to maintain a Board comprised of talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of experience, skills and backgrounds collectively reflecting the strategic needs of the organization and the nature of the environment in which we operate. When assessing Board composition or identifying suitable candidates for appointment or re-election to the Board, RMHC Manitoba will consider candidates using objective criteria having due regard to the benefits of diversity and the needs of the Board. For purposes of this policy, diversity includes skills and professional experience, geography, age, gender, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, sexual orientation and other personal characteristics.

RMHC Manitoba serves families on Treaty 1 and Treaty 5 lands, located on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Ojibway, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.