Adopt-A-Room Program

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By partnering with RMHC Manitoba, you are providing families with accommodations and essential services during some of the most difficult times they may ever encounter.

As an Adopt-A-Room Program partner, you have the opportunity to choose a bedroom or common area to support at Ronald McDonald House or Ronald McDonald Family Room.

With a single annual donation starting at $5,000, your generous gift will provide all of the comfort, security, and care to sick children and their families in their greatest time of need.

Flexible giving options available!

$5,000 or $10,000 per year and 1 or 3-year terms

Download our Adopt-A-Room brochure

Partner Benefits:

As an Adopt-A-Room Program partner, you will receive:

  • Custom name plaque displayed outside your adopted room with photo opportunity
  • Annual partnership report highlighting your impact on families
  • Recognition in the RMHC Manitoba annual report
  • Acknowledgment on the RMHC Manitoba Adopt-A-Room Program web page
  • Acknowledgment in an annual RMHC Manitoba social media post
  • First right of renewal
  • Tax receipts are issued to all Adopt-A-Room Program partners

For more information and to learn about available Adopt-A-Room Program opportunities, please contact:      

Wendy Galagan, CEO    Cary Tardi, Major Gifts Manager 
Email:   Email:
Work Phone: 204-774-4777 Ext. 135 Work Phone: 204-774-4777 Ext. 232
Cell Phone: 204-688-5185

Ronald McDonald House Charities Manitoba would like to thank our Adopt-A-Room Program supporters:

RMHC Manitoba serves families on Treaty 1 and Treaty 5 lands, located on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Ojibway, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.